Our Mission

Policy choices are complicated. Many pros and cons are identifiable around every action and consideration.

Companies that are involved in business outside the US — sales, supply chains, investments, and more — need to understand these issues. Then take action to minimize their risks and maximize their opportunities.

Global Business Policy-DC is positioned to help enterprises understand these complex processes, and help firms steer a course through stormy waters to previously unexplored opportunities.

Ambassador David D. Nelson, Founder and CEO

For thirty years, Ambassador Nelson provided distinguished service to the United States as a Foreign Service officer before bringing his skills to one of the world's largest multinational conglomerates — General Electric.

With GE he worked with the US administration, Congress, financial institutions, business associations, embassies, and foreign governments to help solve policy concerns and create market opportunities, with a particular focus on Latin America and Europe. 

Amb. Nelson's career in the Foreign Service focused on global and regional economic issues. He rose to the most senior economic position in the State Department (Undersecretary for Economics), and held seven overseas postings, including as US Ambassador to Uruguay.  

Amb. Nelson holds a B.A. in Economics and International Relations from the University of Wisconsin, and a Masters in Economics from the University of Maryland.  He speaks English and Spanish.